SIMBAD references

2016ApJ...824...97K - Astrophys. J., 824, 97-97 (2016/June-3)

Energy dissipation of energetic electrons in the inhomogeneous intergalactic medium during the epoch of reionization.


Abstract (from CDS):

We explore a time-dependent energy dissipation of the energetic electrons in the inhomogeneous intergalactic medium (IGM) during the epoch of cosmic reionization. In addition to the atomic processes, we take into account the inverse Compton (IC) scattering of the electrons on the cosmic microwave background photons, which is the dominant channel of energy loss for electrons with energies above a few MeV. We show that: (1) the effect on the IGM has both local (atomic processes) and non-local (IC radiation) components; (2) the energy distribution between hydrogen and helium ionizations depends on the initial energy of an electron; (3) the local baryon overdensity significantly affects the fractions of energy distributed in each channel; and (4) the relativistic effect of the atomic cross-section becomes important during the epoch of cosmic reionization. We release our code as open source for further modification by the community.

Abstract Copyright: © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): cosmology: theory - dark ages, reionization, first stars - dark matter

Simbad objects: 0

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