SIMBAD references

2016ApJ...824...90R - Astrophys. J., 824, 90-90 (2016/June-3)

Amended results for hard X-ray emission by non-thermal thick target recombination in solar flares.


Abstract (from CDS):

Brown & Mallik and the corresponding corrigendum Brown et al. presented expressions for non-thermal recombination (NTR) in the collisionally thin- and thick-target regimes, claiming that the process could account for a substantial part of the hard X-ray continuum in solar flares usually attributed entirely to thermal and non-thermal bremsstrahlung (NTB). However, we have found the thick-target expression to become unphysical for low cut-offs in the injected electron energy spectrum. We trace this to an error in the derivation, derive a corrected version that is real-valued and continuous for all photon energies and cut-offs, and show that, for thick targets, Brown et al. overestimated NTR emission at small photon energies. The regime of small cut-offs and large spectral indices involve large (reducing) correction factors but in some other thick-target parameter regimes NTR/NTB can still be of the order of unity. We comment on the importance of these results to flare and microflare modeling and spectral fitting. An empirical fit to our results shows that the peak NTR contribution comprises over half of the hard X-ray signal if δ\gtrsim 6\left(E_0c4keV\right)^{0.4} .

Abstract Copyright: © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): atomic processes - Sun: corona - Sun: flares - Sun: X-rays, gamma rays - Sun: X-rays, gamma rays

Simbad objects: 0

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