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2016ApJ...819..142L - Astrophys. J., 819, 142 (2016/March-2)

Oscillator strengths of vibrionic excitations of nitrogen determined by the dipole (γ, γ) method.

LIU Y.-W., KANG X., XU L.-Q., NI D.-D., YANG K., HIRAOKA N., TSUEI K.-D. and ZHU L.-F.

Abstract (from CDS):

The oscillator strengths of the valence-shell excitations of molecular nitrogen have significant applicational values in studies of the Earth's atmosphere and interstellar gases. In this work, the absolute oscillator strengths of the valence-shell excitations of molecular nitrogen in 12.3-13.4 eV were measured by the novel dipole (γ, γ) method, in which the high-resolution inelastic X-ray scattering is operated at a negligibly small momentum transfer and can simulate the photoabsorption process. Because the experimental technique used in the present work is distinctly different from those used previously, the present experimental results give an independent cross-check to previous experimental and theoretical data. The excellent coincidence of the present results with the dipole (e, e) and those that were extrapolated indicates that the present oscillator strengths can serve as benchmark data.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: molecules - methods: laboratory: molecular - molecular data

Simbad objects: 1

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