SIMBAD references

2015ApJ...806..273L - Astrophys. J., 806, 273 (2015/June-3)

On the parallel and perpendicular propagating motions visible inPolar plumes: an incubator for (Fast) solar wind acceleration?


Abstract (from CDS):

We combine observations of the Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory to study the characteristic properties of (propagating) Alfvénic motions and quasi-periodic intensity disturbances in polar plumes. This unique combination of instruments highlights the physical richness of the processes taking place at the base of the (fast) solar wind. The (parallel) intensity perturbations with intensity enhancements around 1% have an apparent speed of 120 km/s (in both the 171 and 193 Å passbands) and a periodicity of 15 minutes, while the (perpendicular) Alfvénic wave motions have a velocity amplitude of 0.5 km/s, a phase speed of 830 km/s, and a shorter period of 5 minutes on the same structures. These observations illustrate a scenario where the excited Alfvénic motions are propagating along an inhomogeneously loaded magnetic field structure such that the combination could be a potential progenitor of the magnetohydrodynamic turbulence required to accelerate the fast solar wind.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Sun: corona - waves

Simbad objects: 0

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