SIMBAD references

2015A&A...581A.130G - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 581A, 130-130 (2015/9-1)

Spatial damping of propagating sausage waves in coronal cylinders.

GUO M.-Z., CHEN S.-X., LI B., XIA L.-D. and YU H.

Abstract (from CDS):

Sausage modes are important in coronal seismology. Spatially damped propagating sausage waves were recently observed in the solar atmosphere. We examine how wave leakage influences the spatial damping of sausage waves propagating along coronal structures modeled by a cylindrical density enhancement embedded in a uniform magnetic field. Working in the framework of cold magnetohydrodynamics, we solve the dispersion relation (DR) governing sausage waves for complex-valued, longitudinal wavenumber k at given real angular frequencies ω. For validation purposes, we also provide analytical approximations to the DR in the low-frequency limit and in the vicinity of ωc, the critical angular frequency separating trapped from leaky waves. In contrast to the standing case, propagating sausage waves are allowed for ω much lower than ωc. However, while able to direct their energy upward, these low-frequency waves are subject to substantial spatial attenuation. The spatial damping length shows little dependence on the density contrast between the cylinder and its surroundings, and depends only weakly on frequency. This spatial damping length is of the order of the cylinder radius for ω≲1.5vAi/a, where a and vAi are the cylinder radius and the Alfven speed in the cylinder, respectively. If a coronal cylinder is perturbed by symmetric boundary drivers (e.g., granular motions) with a broadband spectrum, wave leakage efficiently filters out the low-frequency components.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) - Sun: corona - Sun: magnetic fields - waves

Simbad objects: 0

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