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2015A&A...577A..92S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 577A, 92-92 (2015/5-1)

Non-LTE modelling of prominence fine structures using hydrogen Lyman-line profiles.


Abstract (from CDS):

We perform a detailed statistical analysis of the spectral Lyman-line observations of the quiescent prominence observed on May 18, 2005. We used a profile-to-profile comparison of the synthetic Lyman spectra obtained by 2D single-thread prominence fine-structure model as a starting point for a full statistical analysis of the observed Lyman spectra. We employed 2D multi-thread fine-structure models with random positions and line-of-sight velocities of each thread to obtain a statistically significant set of synthetic Lyman-line profiles. We used for the first time multi-thread models composed of non-identical threads and viewed at line-of-sight angles different from perpendicular to the magnetic field. We investigated the plasma properties of the prominence observed with the SoHO/SUMER spectrograph on May 18, 2005 by comparing the histograms of three statistical parameters characterizing the properties of the synthetic and observed line profiles. In this way, the integrated intensity, Lyman decrement ratio, and the ratio of intensity at the central reversal to the average intensity of peaks provided insight into the column mass and the central temperature of the prominence fine structures.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Sun: filaments, prominences - line: profiles - radiative transfer - methods: statistical

Simbad objects: 0

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