SIMBAD references

2014MNRAS.442L..61J - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 442, L61-L65 (2014/July-3)

K2 observations of the pulsating subdwarf B star EQ Piscium: an sdB+dM binary.


Abstract (from CDS):

K2, the two-wheel mission of the Kepler space telescope, observed the pulsating subdwarf B star EQ PSc during engineering tests in 2014 February. In addition to a rich spectrum of g-mode pulsation frequencies, the observations demonstrate a light variation with a period of 19.2 h and full amplitude of 2 percent. We suggest that this is due to reflection from a cool companion, making EQ Psc the longest-period member of some 30 binaries comprising a hot subdwarf and a cool dwarf companion (sdB+dM), and hence useful for exploring the common-envelope ejection mechanism in low-mass binaries.

Abstract Copyright: © 2014 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society (2014)

Journal keyword(s): binaries: close - stars: individual: EQ Psc - stars: oscillations - subdwarfs - stars: variables: general

Simbad objects: 32

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