
Query : 2014MNRAS.439..673B

2014MNRAS.439..673B - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 439, 673-689 (2014/March-3)

Possible solution to the riddle of HD 82943 multiplanet system: the three-planet resonance 1:2:5 ?


Abstract (from CDS):

We carry out a new analysis of the published radial velocity data for the planet-hosting star HD 82943. We include the recent Keck/HIRES measurements as well as the aged but much more numerous CORALIE data. We find that the CORALIE radial velocity measurements are polluted by a systematic annual variation which affected the robustness of many previous results. We show that after purging this variation, the residuals still contain a clear signature of an additional ∼ 1100d periodicity. The latter variation leaves significant hints in all three independent radial velocity subsets that we analysed: the CORALIE data, the Keck data acquired prior to a hardware upgrade and the Keck data taken after the upgrade. We mainly treat this variation as a signature of a third planet in the system, although we cannot rule out other interpretations, such as long-term stellar activity. We find it easy to naturally obtain a stable three-planet radial velocity fit close to the three-planet mean-motion resonance 1:2:5, with the two main planets (those in the 1:2 resonance) in an aligned apsidal corotation. The dynamical status of the third planet is still uncertain: it may reside in as well as slightly out of the 5:2 resonance. We obtain the value of about 1075d for its orbital period and ∼ 0.3MJup for its minimum mass, while the eccentric parameters are uncertain.

Abstract Copyright: © 2014 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society (2014)

Journal keyword(s): methods: data analysis - methods: statistical - techniques: radial velocities - celestial mechanics - stars: individual: HD 82943

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Number of rows : 10
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 37124 PM* 05 37 02.4866159419 +20 43 50.832948117   8.35   7.2   G4IV-V 303 2
2 HD 37124c Pl 05 37 02.4866159419 +20 43 50.832948117           ~ 61 1
3 HD 82943b Pl 09 34 50.7353072232 -12 07 46.369202196           ~ 101 1
4 HD 82943c Pl 09 34 50.7353072232 -12 07 46.369202196           ~ 87 1
5 HD 82943 PM* 09 34 50.7353072232 -12 07 46.369202196   7.17 6.53     F9VFe+0.5 474 2
6 * alf Cen ** 14 39 36.50 -60 50 02.3   0.4 -0.1     G2V+K1V 961 0
7 BD-07 4003 BY* 15 19 26.8269387505 -07 43 20.189497466 13.403 11.76 10.560 9.461 8.911 M3V 654 2
8 Kepler-30 Er* 19 01 08.0746104528 +38 56 50.218268856   16.50   15.767 14.55 ~ 159 1
9 BD-15 6290 BY* 22 53 16.7325836486 -14 15 49.304052185 12.928 11.749 10.192 9.013 7.462 M3.5V 1024 1
10 BD-15 6290e Pl 22 53 16.7325836486 -14 15 49.304052185           ~ 50 1

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