SIMBAD references

2014ApJ...791L...8N - Astrophys. J., 791, L8 (2014/August-2)

Globular clusters and dark satellite galaxies through the stream velocity.


Abstract (from CDS):

The formation of purely baryonic globular clusters with no gravitationally bound dark matter is still a theoretical challenge. We show that these objects might form naturally whenever there is a relative stream velocity between baryons and dark matter. The stream velocity causes a phase shift between linear modes of baryonic and dark matter perturbations, which translates to a spatial offset between the two components when they collapse. For a 2σ (3σ) density fluctuation, baryonic clumps with masses in the range 105-2.5x106 M(105-4x106 M) collapse outside the virial radii of their counterpart dark matter halos. These objects could survive as long-lived, dark-matter-free objects and might conceivably become globular clusters. In addition, their dark matter counterparts, which were deprived of gas, might become dark satellite galaxies.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): globular clusters: general

Simbad objects: 1

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