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2014A&A...568A..88N - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 568A, 88-88 (2014/8-1)

Evidence of a Mira-like tail and bow shock about the semi-regular variable V CVn from four decades of polarization measurements.


Abstract (from CDS):

Polarization is a powerful tool for understanding stellar atmospheres and circumstellar environments. Mira and semi-regular variable stars have been observed for decades and some are known to be polarimetrically variable, however, the semi-regular variable V Canes Venatici displays an unusually large, unexplained amount of polarization. We present ten years of optical polarization observations obtained with the HPOL instrument, supplemented by published observations spanning a total interval of about forty years for V CVn. We find that V CVn shows large polarization variations ranging from 1-6%. We also find that for the past forty years the position angle measured for V CVn has been virtually constant suggesting a long-term, stable, asymmetric structure about the star. We suggest that this asymmetry is caused by the presence of a stellar wind bow shock and tail, consistent with the star's large space velocity.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: mass-loss - techniques: polarimetric - circumstellar matter - stars: individual: V CVn - stars: AGB and post-AGB

Simbad objects: 16

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