
Query : 2013ApJ...768..144T

2013ApJ...768..144T - Astrophys. J., 768, 144 (2013/May-2)

Wind braking of magnetars.


Abstract (from CDS):

We explore the wind braking of magnetars considering recent observations challenging the traditional magnetar model. There is evidence for strong multipole magnetic fields in active magnetars, but the dipole field inferred from spin-down measurements may be strongly biased by particle wind. Recent observations challenging the traditional model of magnetars may be explained naturally by the wind braking scenario: (1) the supernova energies of magnetars are of normal value; (2) the non-detection in Fermi observations of magnetars; (3) the problem posed by low magnetic field soft gamma-ray repeaters; (4) the relation between magnetars and high magnetic field pulsars; and (5) a decreasing period derivative during magnetar outbursts. Transient magnetars with Lx < - {dot}Erot may still be magnetic dipole braking. This may explain why low luminosity magnetars are more likely to have radio emissions. A strong reduction of the dipole magnetic field is possible only when the particle wind is very collimated at the star surface. A small reduction of the dipole magnetic field may result from detailed considerations of magnetar wind luminosity. In the wind braking scenario, magnetars are neutron stars with a strong multipole field. For some sources, a strong dipole field may no longer be needed. A magnetism-powered pulsar wind nebula will be one of the consequences of wind braking. For a magnetism-powered pulsar wind nebula, we should see a correlation between the nebula luminosity and the magnetar luminosity. Under the wind braking scenario, a braking index smaller than three is expected. Future braking index measurement of a magnetar may tell us whether magnetars are wind braking or magnetic dipole braking.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): pulsars: general - stars: magnetars - stars: neutron

Simbad objects: 21

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Number of rows : 21
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 PSR J0100-7211 Psr 01 00 42.86 -72 11 33.3   17.69 17.82     B3V 96 0
2 PSR J0146+6145 Psr 01 46 22.21 +61 45 03.8   28.100 25.620     ~ 579 0
3 NAME Sgr J0418+5729 gam 04 18 33.867 +57 32 22.91           ~ 226 0
4 PSR B0525-66 Psr 05 26 00.7 -66 04 35           ~ 547 1
5 2E 2336 HXB 10 50 08.93 -59 53 19.9           Be 408 0
6 PSR J1550-5418 Psr 15 50 54.18 -54 18 23.9           ~ 421 1
7 PSR J1622-4950 Psr 16 22 44.80 -49 50 54.4           ~ 151 0
8 GRB 980618A gB 16 35 52 -47 35.2           ~ 264 0
9 PSR J1647-4552 Psr 16 47 10.18 -45 52 16.7           ~ 199 1
10 PSR J1708-4008 Psr 17 08 49.0 -40 09 10           ~ 296 0
11 [AAB2008] 1 X 17 14 05.758 -38 10 31.32           ~ 61 1
12 PSR B1731-33.5 Psr 17 34 26.6 -33 33 22           ~ 100 1
13 PSR J1808-2024 Psr 18 08 39.32 -20 24 40.1           ~ 1249 2
14 AX J1809.8-1943 Psr 18 09 51.07 -19 43 51.8           ~ 473 0
15 PSR J1819-1458 Psr 18 19 34.173 -14 58 03.57           ~ 123 0
16 1WGA J1822.2-1604 X 18 22 18.32 -16 04 27.2           ~ 133 0
17 SWIFT J1834.9-0846 N*? 18 34 52.768 -08 45 40.83           ~ 88 0
18 PSR J1841-0456 Psr 18 41 19.29 -04 56 11.4           ~ 270 1
19 PSR J1846-0258 Psr 18 46 24.94 -02 58 30.1           ~ 351 2
20 GBS 1900+14 gB 19 07 13 +09 19.6           ~ 865 0
21 2E 4673 HXB 23 01 08.14 +58 52 44.5           ~ 640 1

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