
Query : 2013A&A...556A.126A

2013A&A...556A.126A - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 556A, 126-126 (2013/8-1)

A dynamically-packed planetary system around GJ 667C with three super-earths in its habitable zone.


Abstract (from CDS):

Since low-mass stars have low luminosities, orbits at which liquid water can exist on Earth-sized planets are relatively close-in, which produces Doppler signals that are detectable using state-of-the-art Doppler spectroscopy. GJ 667C is already known to be orbited by two super-Earth candidates. We have recently applied developed data analysis methods to investigate whether the data supports the presence of additional companions. We obtain new Doppler measurements from HARPS extracted spectra and combined them with those obtained from the PFS and HIRES spectrographs. We used Bayesian and periodogram-based methods to re-assess the number of candidates and evaluated the confidence of each detection. Among other tests, we validated the planet candidates by analyzing correlations of each Doppler signal with measurements of several activity indices and investigated the possible quasi-periodic nature of signals. Doppler measurements of GJ 667C are described better by six (even seven) Keplerian-like signals: the two known candidates (b and c); three additional few-Earth mass candidates with periods of 92, 62, and 39 days (d, e and f); a cold super-Earth in a 260-day orbit (g) and tantalizing evidence of a ∼1M object in a close-in orbit of 17 days (h). We explore whether long-term stable orbits are compatible with the data by integrating 8x104 solutions derived from the Bayesian samplings. We assess their stability using secular frequency analysis. The system consisting of six planets is compatible with dynamically stable configurations. As for the solar system, the most stable solutions do not contain mean-motion resonances and are described well by analytic Laplace-Lagrange solutions. Preliminary analysis also indicates that masses of the planets cannot be higher than twice the minimum masses obtained from Doppler measurements. The presence of a seventh planet (h) is supported by the fact that it appears squarely centered on the only island of stability left in the six-planet solution. Habitability assessments accounting for the stellar flux, as well as tidal dissipation effects, indicate that three (maybe four) planets are potentially habitable. Doppler and space-based transit surveys indicate that 1) dynamically packed systems of super-Earths are relatively abundant and 2) M-dwarfs have more small planets than earlier-type stars. These two trends together suggest that GJ 667C is one of the first members of an emerging population of M-stars with multiple low-mass planets in their habitable zones.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): techniques: radial velocities - methods: data analysis - planets and satellites: dynamical evolution and stability - astrobiology - stars: individual: GJ 667C

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/556/A126): tablec2.dat>

Simbad objects: 15

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Number of rows : 15
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 * tau Cet PM* 01 44 04.0831371922 -15 56 14.927607677 4.43 4.22 3.50 2.88 2.41 G8V 1266 1
2 HD 285968 PM* 04 42 55.7750207949 +18 57 29.395947044 12.668 11.49 9.951 8.931 7.702 M2.5V 342 2
3 HD 40307 PM* 05 54 04.2405000288 -60 01 24.493007640 8.814 8.097 7.147 6.597 6.119 K2.5V 271 1
4 HD 69830 PM* 08 18 23.9469682407 -12 37 55.817187530   6.74 5.95     G8:V 536 1
5 V* AD Leo Er* 10 19 36.2808181226 +19 52 12.010446571   10.82 9.52 9.19   dM3 1353 1
6 HD 125612b Pl 14 20 53.5176649416 -17 28 53.489705520           ~ 30 2
7 BD-07 4003 BY* 15 19 26.8269387505 -07 43 20.189497466 13.403 11.76 10.560 9.461 8.911 M3V 656 2
8 BD-07 4003d Pl 15 19 26.8269387505 -07 43 20.189497466           ~ 152 1
9 NAME G 139-21b Pl 17 15 18.9339850845 +04 57 50.066612336           ~ 738 1
10 HD 156384A * 17 18 56.415192 -34 59 22.48188   7.52 6.37     K3 31 0
11 HD 156384C PM* 17 18 58.8272997802 -34 59 48.612673382 12.96 11.79 10.22 10.05 8.82 M1.5V 226 1
12 CD-51 10924 PM* 17 30 11.2044753442 -51 38 13.130309109 12.317 11.028 9.585 8.675 8.60 M0V 116 1
13 Kepler-10b Pl 19 02 43.0613892904 +50 14 28.701617339           ~ 301 1
14 HD 197481 BY* 20 45 09.5324974119 -31 20 27.237889841   10.05 8.627 9.078 6.593 M1VeBa1 1181 0
15 BD-15 6290 BY* 22 53 16.7325836486 -14 15 49.304052185 12.928 11.749 10.192 9.013 7.462 M3.5V 1025 1

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