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2013A&A...554A.117E - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 554A, 117-117 (2013/6-1)

Polarization of Saturn's moon Iapetus. III. Models of the bright and the dark sides.


Abstract (from CDS):

Like many other atmosphereless solar system bodies, Iapetus exhibits a phenomenon of negative polarization at small phase angles, which can be modeled using theoretical approaches that consider interaction of light with a complex medium. To retrieve information on the nature of Iapetus' surface material, we carried out theoretical modeling analyses for the observed polarization of its two sides. We applied two light-scattering models. The first modeling approach is based on the utilization of the phenomenological single-particle scattering matrix parametrization using the double Henyey-Greenstein (2HG) scattering phase function to characterize the resulting multiple scattering by a medium composed of such discrete scatterers. With this approach we carried out radiative-transfer coherent-backscattering (RT-CB) computations for a random medium composed of phenomenological fundamental scatterers. The second model, called the multiple sphere T-matrix method, is based on the exact solutions of the Maxwell equations. Employing this method, we carried out simulations of the scattering and absorption properties of light by a medium represented by a spherical volume of randomly positioned monodisperse particles. The modeling entails physical characteristics of the particulate surface, such as the porosity of the medium; the number of constituent particles; the size, and optical properties of the scatterers. While our RT-CB model suggests geometric albedo values in the neighborhood of 0.40 for Iapetus' trailing side and ∼0.10 for the leading one, our T-matrix model retrieves particles of radius ∼0.10≤r≤0.20µm for both Iapetus' leading and trailing surface materials.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): polarization - planets and satellites: surfaces - scattering - methods: numerical - techniques: polarimetric - transfer radiative

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