SIMBAD references

2012MNRAS.419.3346G - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 419, 3346-3353 (2012/February-1)

Revised and updated catalogue of the first byurakan survey of late-type stars.


Abstract (from CDS):

There have been 15 lists of late-type stars published between 1990 and 2010. These late-type stars have been found in the low-dispersion spectroscopic plates of the First Byurakan Survey (FBS). The systematic search and selection was carried out on a surface ∼ 16 000 deg2 on almost the whole area of the FBS. As a result, a comprehensive catalogue of the late-type stars of the FBS was generated. Its preliminary version has been available at the Centre de Donnes Astronomiques de Strasbourg since 2007. We have revised and updated the FBS catalogue of late-type stars with new data from recently published optical and multiwavelength catalogues to give access to all available data and to make further comparative studies of the properties of these objects possible. We have made cross-correlations with the Digitized First Byurakan Survey (DFBS), the United States Naval Observatory-B1.0 catalogue, the Guide Star Catalogue 2.3.2, Tycho-2, Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 8, the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS), the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer catalogue, the Infrared Astronomical Satellite Point Source Catalogue/Faint Source Catalogue, the AKARI catalogue, the ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue/Faint Source Catalogue, the General Catalogue of Variable Stars and the Northern Sky Variability Survey. Also, we have added updated SIMBAD data for the objects. We present accurate Digitized Sky Survey 2 positions, approximate spectral subtypes refined from the DFBS low-dispersion spectra, luminosity classes estimated from 2MASS colours and available proper motions for 1045 FBS late-type stars. The FBS revised and updated catalogue lists a large number of completely new objects, which promise to extend very significantly the census of M giants, faint carbon stars at high Galactic latitudes and M dwarfs in the vicinity of the Sun. We study the complete samples, as well as investigating individual interesting objects up to 16.0-16.5 mag in visual magnitudes.

Abstract Copyright: 2011 The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2011 RAS

Journal keyword(s): astronomical data bases: miscellaneous - catalogues - surveys - stars: carbon - stars: late-type

VizieR on-line data: <CDS Catalogue: III/266>

Nomenclature: FBS HHMM+DDdA N=1045.

Simbad objects: 1046

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