SIMBAD references

2012CBET.3187....3M - Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 3187, 3 (2012/July-0)

Supernova 2012dt in NGC 309 = PSN J00563888-0954091.


Abstract (from CDS):

Kate Maguire, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, writes that a spectrogram of PSN J00563888-0954091 = SN 2012dt, obtained on July 20.5 UT with the Double Beam Spectrograph on the Palomar 5-m telescope, shows broad P-Cyg H_alpha emission with a velocity (half-width) of 1600 km/s and absorption minimum at 8084 km/s. Running the "Superfit" software yields a best match to the spectrum of the type-II supernova 1999em at +9 days.

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Simbad objects: 3

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