
Query : 2012A&A...544A.128F

2012A&A...544A.128F - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 544A, 128-128 (2012/8-1)

65 kpc of ionized gas trailing behind NGC 4848 during its first crossing of the Coma cluster.


Abstract (from CDS):

In a five hour Hα exposure of the northwest region of the Coma cluster with the 2.1m telescope at San Pedro Martir (Mx), we discovered a 65 kpc cometary emission of ionized gas trailing behind the SBab galaxy NGC 4848. The tail points in the opposite direction of the cluster center, in the same direction where stripped HI had been detected in previous observations. The galaxy shows bright HII regions in an inner ring-like pattern, where the star formation takes place at the prodigious rate of ∼8.9M/yr. From the morphologies of the galaxy and the trailing material, we infer that the galaxy is suffering from ram pressure due to its high velocity motion through the intergalactic medium. We estimate that ∼4x109M of gas is swept out from the galaxy forming the tail. Given the ambient conditions in the Coma cluster (ρ0=6.3x10–27g/cm3; σvel=940km/s), simulations predict that the ram pressure mechanism is able to remove such an amount of gas in less than 200 Myr. This, combined with the geometry of the interaction, is indicative of radial infall into the cluster, leading to the conclusion that NGC 4848 has been caught during its first passage through the dense cluster environment.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: clusters: individual: Coma - galaxies: individual: NGC 4848 - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: interactions

CDS comments: Fig.1, paragraph 4 regions KN not in Simbad.

Simbad objects: 14

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Number of rows : 14
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 Feige 34 HS* 10 39 36.7358839104 +43 06 09.212615280 9.613 10.91 11.14 11.319 11.464 sdOp 690 0
2 NAME Coma Supercluster SCG 11 23 +23.9           ~ 275 0
3 ACO 1367 ClG 11 44 44.6 +19 41 59           ~ 1084 1
4 NAME Virgo Cluster ClG 12 26 32.1 +12 43 24           ~ 6719 0
5 SDSS J122942.96+104525.0 Sy2 12 29 42.9615849624 +10 45 24.913701540           ~ 88 0
6 IC 3418 LIN 12 29 43.919 +11 24 16.87   16.5       ~ 118 1
7 UGC 7636 LSB 12 30 00.350 +07 55 47.44   15.4       ~ 135 0
8 M 90 Sy2 12 36 49.8009839880 +13 09 46.523813040 10.56 10.26 9.54     ~ 903 1
9 NGC 4848 AGN 12 58 05.5778304792 +28 14 33.253619100   14.2   13.53   ~ 199 0
10 LEDA 126817 GiC 12 58 42.589 +27 45 37.78     16.30 16.15   ~ 52 0
11 ACO 1656 ClG 12 59 44.40 +27 54 44.9           ~ 4849 2
12 GMP 3016 GiC 13 00 01.03440 +28 04 54.7752 18.78   17.69 17.55   ~ 16 0
13 IC 4040 rG 13 00 37.861 +28 03 28.68 15.13 15.1 15.04 14.74 13.981 ~ 164 0
14 ACO 3627 ClG 16 14 22.5 -60 52 07           ~ 300 2

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