SIMBAD references

2012A&A...544A..89L - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 544A, 89-89 (2012/8-1)

The parsec-scale jet of PKS 1749+096.


Abstract (from CDS):

object{PKS1749+096} is a BL Lac object showing weak extended jet emission to the northeast of the compact VLBI core on parsec scales. We aim at better understanding the jet kinematics and variability of this source and finding clues that may applicable to other BL Lac objects. The jet was studied with multi-epoch multi-frequency high-resolution VLBI observations. The jet is characterized by a one-sided curved morphology at all epochs and all frequencies. The VLBI core, located at the southern end of the jet, was identified based on its spectral properties. The equipartition magnetic field of the core was investigated, through which we derived a Doppler factor of 5, largely consistent with that derived from kinematics (component C5). The study of the detailed jet kinematics at 22 and 15GHz, spanning a period of more than 10 years, indicates the possible existence of a bimodal distribution of the jet apparent speed. Ballistic and non-ballistic components are found to coexist in the jet. Superluminal motions in the range of 5-21c were measured in 11 distinct components. We estimated the physical jet parameters with the minimum Lorentz factor of 10.2 and Doppler factors in the range of 10.2-20.4 (component C5). The coincidence in time of the component's ejection and flares supports the idea that, at least in PKS1749+096, ejection of new jet components is connected with major outbursts in flux density. For the best-traced component (C5) we found that the flux density decays rapidly as it travels downstream the jet, accompanied by a steepening of its spectra, which argues in favor of a contribution of inverse Compton cooling. These properties make PKS1749+096 a suitable target for an intensive monitoring to decipher the variability phenomenon of BL Lac objects.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): quasars: individual: PKS 1749+096 - galaxies: jets - radio continuum: galaxies

Simbad objects: 6

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