SIMBAD references

2011CBET.2647....1V - Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 2647, 1 (2011/February-0)

V1647 Orionis.


Abstract (from CDS):

V. Venkat and B. G. Anandarao, Astronomy and Astrophysics Division, Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, report follow-up near-infrared observations on the eruptive young stellar object V1647 Ori 606, L119; Ojha et al. 2006, MNRAS 368, 825) done using the PRL 1.2-m telescope at Mt. Abu. The new observations show that there was no significant change in the infrared photometric magnitudes reported earlier in the 2008 outburst phase (IAUCs 8968, 8969; CBET 1596; IAUC 9006; CBET 2104; Aspin et al. 2009, Ap.J. 692, L67), yielding J = 10.76 ± 0.123; H = 9.02 ± 0.227; K = 7.51 ± 0.225 (average of 15 sets of observations spanning the period Nov. 2008 to Jan. 2011 with the standard deviations given). The object remained stable within one sigma in all the bands. However, on one occasion (2010 Nov. 7), the object brightened in the J band by more than 3 sigma (10.36 mag); on another occasion (2010 Dec. 19), it became fainter in the H band by more than 3 sigma (9.77 mag) when compared to the average values over this period. Spectra taken on a few occasions showed variations (concerning features such as the Brackett-series lines or CO bands) on a day-scale – possibly due to accretion-rate variations (e.g., Brittain et al. 2010, Ap.J. 708, 109). Monitoring observations will be continued in the coming months.

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