SIMBAD references

2011ApJ...737...68B - Astrophys. J., 737, 68 (2011/August-3)

Radiative transfer in ultrarelativistic outflows.


Abstract (from CDS):

Analytical and numerical solutions are obtained for the equation of radiative transfer in ultrarelativistic opaque jets. The solution describes the initial trapping of radiation, its adiabatic cooling, and the transition to transparency. Two opposite regimes are examined. (1) Matter-dominated outflow. Surprisingly, radiation develops enormous anisotropy in the fluid frame before decoupling from the fluid. The radiation is strongly polarized. (2) Radiation-dominated outflow. The transfer occurs as if radiation propagated in vacuum, preserving the angular distribution and the blackbody shape of the spectrum. The escaping radiation has a blackbody spectrum if (and only if) the outflow energy is dominated by radiation up to the photospheric radius.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): gamma-ray burst: general - radiative transfer - relativistic processes - scattering

Simbad objects: 1

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