SIMBAD references

2011A&A...530A.124L - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 530A, 124-124 (2011/6-1)

On the minimum temperature of the quiet solar chromosphere.


Abstract (from CDS):

We aim to provide an estimate of the minimum temperature of the quiet solar chromosphere. We perform a 2D radiation-MHD simulation spanning the upper convection zone to the lower corona. The simulation includes non-LTE radiative transfer and an equation-of-state that includes non-equilibrium ionization of hydrogen and non-equilibrium H2molecule formation. We analyze the reliability of the various assumptions made in our model in order to assess the realism of the simulation. Our simulation contains pockets of cool gas with down to 1660K from 1Mm up to 3.2Mm height. It overestimates the radiative heating, and contains non-physical heating below 1660K. Therefore we conclude that cool pockets in the quiet solar chromosphere might have even lower temperatures than in the simulation, provided that there exist areas in the chromosphere without significant magnetic heating. We suggest off-limb molecular spectroscopy to look for such cool pockets and 3D simulations including a local dynamo and a magnetic carpet to investigate Joule heating in the quiet chromosphere.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Sun: atmosphere - Sun: chromosphere - radiative transfer - magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)

Simbad objects: 0

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