SIMBAD references

2009MNRAS.395..386P - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 395, 386-393 (2009/May-1)

Time-resolved optical observations of five cataclysmic variables detected by INTEGRAL.


Abstract (from CDS):

The European Space Agency γ-ray telescope, INTEGRAL, is detecting relatively more intrinsically rare cataclysmic variables (CVs) than were found by surveys at lower energies. Specifically, a large fraction of the CVs that are INTEGRAL sources consists of asynchronous polars and intermediate polars (IPs). IP classifications have been proposed for the majority of CVs discovered by INTEGRAL, but, in many cases, there is very little known about these systems. In order to address this, I present time-resolved optical data of five CVs discovered through INTEGRAL observations. The white dwarf spin modulation is detected in high-speed photometry of three of the new CVs (IGR J15094-6649, IGR J16500-3307 and IGR J17195-4100), but two others (XSS J12270-4859 and IGR J16167-4957) show no evidence of magnetism, and should be considered unclassified systems. Spectroscopic orbital period (Porb) measurements are also given for IGR J15094-6649, IGR J16167-4957, IGR J16500-3307 and IGR J17195-4100.

Abstract Copyright: © 2009 The Author. Journal compilation © 2009 RAS

Journal keyword(s): binaries: general - stars: dwarf novae - novae, cataclysmic variables

Simbad objects: 7

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