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2008MNRAS.384..814H - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 384, 814-820 (2008/February-3)

Collisional interaction limits between dark matter particles and baryons in `cooling flow' clusters.

HU J. and LOU Y.-Q.

Abstract (from CDS):

Presuming weak collisional interactions to exchange the kinetic energy between dark matter and baryonic matter in a galaxy cluster, we re-examine the effectiveness of this process in several `cooling flow' galaxy clusters using available X-ray observations and infer an upper limit on the heavy dark matter particle (DMP)-proton cross-section σxp. With a relative collisional velocity V-dependent power-law form of σxp= σ0(V/103km/s)a where a ≤ 0, our inferred upper limit is σ0/mx≲ 2x10–25cm2GeV–1 with mxbeing the DMP mass. Based on a simple stability analysis of the thermal energy balance equation, we argue that the mechanism of DMP-baryon collisional interactions is unlikely to be a stable non-gravitational heating source of intracluster medium (ICM) in inner core regions of `cooling flow' galaxy clusters.

Abstract Copyright: © 2008 The Authors

Journal keyword(s): radiation mechanisms: general - galaxies: clusters: general - cooling flows - cosmology: theory - dark matter - X-rays: galaxies: clusters

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