SIMBAD references

2008ApJ...674..371K - Astrophys. J., 674, 371-377 (2008/February-2)

Detailed spectral analysis of the type Ib supernova 1999dn. I. Hydrogen-free models.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present spectral fits to five epochs of the typical Type Ib supernova 1999dn using the generalized, non-LTE, stellar atmospheres code PHOENIX. Our goal is threefold: to determine basic physical properties of the supernova ejecta, such as velocity, temperature, and density gradients; to reproduce He I absorption lines by invoking nonthermal excitation; and to investigate possible spectral signatures of hydrogen, especially a feature around 6200 Å, which has been attributed to high-velocity Hα. Our models assume an atmosphere with uniform composition devoid of any hydrogen. Our model spectra fit the observed spectra well, successfully reproducing most of the features, including the prominent He I absorptions. The most plausible alternative to Hα as the source of the 6200 Å feature is a blend of Fe II and Si II lines, which can be made stronger in order to better fit the observed feature by increasing the metallicity of the ejecta. High-metallicity models fit well at early epochs, but not as well as solar-metallicity models after maximum light. While this blend of metal lines is a reasonable explanation of the source of the 6200 Å feature, it is still important to investigate hydrogen as the source; therefore, a second paper will present models that include a thin shell of hydrogen around the main composition structure.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Atmospheres - Stars: Supernovae: Individual: Alphanumeric: SN 1999dn

Simbad objects: 3

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