SIMBAD references

2008A&A...492..215C - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 492, 215-222 (2008/12-2)

A solar burst with a spectral component observed only above 100 GHz during an M class flare.


Abstract (from CDS):

Since the installation of submillimeter solar radio telescopes, a new spectral burst component was discovered at frequencies above 100GHz, creating the THz burst category. In all the reported cases, the events were X-class flares and the THz component was increasing. We report for the first time an M class flare that shows a different submillimeter radio spectral component from the microwave classical burst. Two successive bursts of 2min duration and separated by 2min occurred in active region NOAA 10226, starting around 13:15 UT and having an M 6.8 maximum intensity in soft X-rays. Submillimeter flux density measured by the Solar Submillimeter Telescope (SST) is used, in addition to microwave total Sun patrol telescope observations. Images with Hα filters, from the Hα Solar Telescope for Argentina (HASTA), and extreme UV observations, from the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SoHO), are used to characterize the flaring region. An extensive analysis of the magnetic topology evolution is derived from the Michelson Doppler Imager (SoHO, MDI) magnetograms and used to constrain the solution space of the possible emission mechanisms.The submillimeter component is only observed at 212GHz. We have upper limits for the emission at 89.4 and 405GHz, which are less than the observed flux density at 212GHz. The analysis of the magnetic topology reveals a very compact and complex system of arches that reconnects at low heights, while from the soft X-ray observations we deduce that the flaring area is dense (n∼1012/cm3). The reconnected arches are anchored in regions with magnetic field intensity differing by an order of magnitude. Accordingly, we conclude that the microwave emission comes from mildly relativistic electrons spiraling down along the reconnected loops. A very small portion of the accelerated electrons can reach the footpoint with the stronger magnetic field (2000G) and produce synchrotron emission, which is observed at submillimeter frequencies.The finding of a submillimeter burst component in a medium-size flare indicates that the phenomenon is more universal than shown until now. The multiwavelength analysis reveals that neither positron synchrotron nor free-free emission could produce the submillimeter component, which is explained here by synchrotron of accelerated electrons in a rather complex and compact magnetic configuration.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Sun: flares - Sun: radio radiation

Simbad objects: 0

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