SIMBAD references

2008A&A...490..231S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 490, 231-241 (2008/10-4)

Gravitational waves from 3D MHD core collapse simulations.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present the gravitational wave analyses from rotating (model s15g) and nearly non-rotating (model s15h) 3D MHD core collapse supernova simulations at bounce and during the first couple of ten milliseconds afterwards. The simulations are launched from 15M progenitor models stemming from stellar-evolution calculations. Gravity is implemented by a spherically symmetric effective general relativistic potential. The input physics uses the Lattimer-Swesty equation of state for hot, dense matter and a neutrino parametrisation scheme that is accurate until the first few ms after bounce. The 3D simulations allow us to study features already known from 2D simulations, as well as nonaxisymmetric effects. In agreement with recent results, we find only type I gravitational wave signals at core bounce. In the later stage of the simulations, one of our models (s15g) shows nonaxisymmetric gravitational wave emission caused by a low T/|W| dynamical instability, while the other model radiates gravitational waves due to a convective instability in the protoneutron star. The total energy released in gravitational waves within the considered time intervals is 1.52x10–7M (s15g) and 4.72x10–10M (s15h). Both core collapse simulations indicate that corresponding events in our Galaxy would be detectable either by the LIGO or Advanced LIGO detector.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): gravitational waves - supernovae: general - hydrodynamics - neutrinos - stars: rotation - stars: neutron

Simbad objects: 0

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