SIMBAD references

2008A&A...483...15Z - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 483, 15-18 (2008/5-3)

Testing power-law cosmology with galaxy clusters.

ZHU Z.-H., HU M., ALCANIZ J.S. and LIU Y.-X.

Abstract (from CDS):

Power-law cosmologies, in which the cosmological scale factor evolves as a power law in time, a ∝tα with α>1, regardless of the matter content or cosmological epoch, is comfortably concordant with a host of cosmological observations. In this article, we use recent measurements of the X-ray gas mass fractions in clusters of galaxies to constrain the α parameter with curvature k=±1,0. We find that the best fit happens for an open scenario with the power index α=1.14±0.05, though the flat and closed model cannot be ruled out with high confidence. Our results are in agreement with other recent analyses and show that the X-ray gas mass fraction measurements in clusters of galaxies provide a complementary test of the power-law cosmology.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): cosmological parameters - cosmology: theory - X-rays: galaxies: clusters

Simbad objects: 4

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