
Query : 2007MNRAS.375..154S

2007MNRAS.375..154S - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 375, 154-162 (2007/February-2)

Multidimensional simulations of radiative transfer in Type Ia supernovae.


Abstract (from CDS):

A three-dimensional Monte Carlo code for modelling radiation transport in Type Ia supernovae is described. In addition to tracking Monte Carlo quanta to follow the emission, scattering and deposition of radiative energy, a scheme involving volume-based Monte Carlo estimators is used to allow properties of the emergent radiation field to be extracted for specific viewing angles in a multidimensional structure. This eliminates the need to compute spectra or light curves by angular binning of emergent quanta. The code is applied to two test problems to illustrate consequences of multidimensional structure on the modelling of light curves. First, elliptical models are used to quantify how large-scale asphericity can introduce angular dependence to light curves. Secondly, a model which incorporates complex structural inhomogeneity, as predicted by modern explosion models, is used to investigate how such structure may affect light-curve properties.

Abstract Copyright: 2006 The Author. Journal compilation © 2006 RAS

Journal keyword(s): radiative transfer - methods: numerical - supernovae: general

Simbad objects: 2

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Number of rows : 2
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 SN 2001el SN* 03 44 30.60 -44 38 23.4   12.81       SNIa 263 1
2 SN 1999by SN* 09 21 52.07 +51 00 06.6   13.66       SNIap 294 1

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