SIMBAD references

2007AJ....134.1124B - Astron. J., 134, 1124-1132 (2007/September-0)

Stellar content and recent star formation history of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy IC 1613.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present resolved-star VI photometry of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy IC 1613 reaching I∼23.5, obtained with the wide-field camera at the 2.5 m Isaac Newton Telescope. A fit to the stellar density distribution shows an exponential profile of scale length 2.9'±0.1' and gives a central surface brightness µV,0=22.7±0.6. The significant number of red giant branch (RGB) stars present in the outer part of our images (r>16.5') indicates that the galaxy is actually more extended than previously estimated. A comparison of the color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) as a function of galactocentric distance shows a clear gradient in the age of its population, the scale length increasing with age, while we find no evidence of a metallicity gradient from the width of the RGB. We present quantitative results of the recent star formation history from a synthetic CMD analysis using IAC-STAR. We find a mean star formation rate of (1.6±0.8)x10–3 M/yr/kpc2 in the central r≲2.5' for the last 300 Myr.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxies: Dwarf - Galaxies: Individual: Alphanumeric: IC 1613 - Galaxies: Irregular - Galaxies: Stellar Content - Galaxies: Structure - Galaxies: Local Group

Simbad objects: 6

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