SIMBAD references

2007A&A...466..661S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 466, 661-666 (2007/5-1)

Importance of Compton scattering for radiation spectra of isolated neutron stars with weak magnetic fields.


Abstract (from CDS):

Emergent model spectra of neutron-star atmospheres are widely used to fit the observed soft X-ray spectra of different types of isolated neutron stars. We investigate the effect of Compton scattering on the emergent spectra of hot (Teff≥106K) isolated neutron stars with weak magnetic fields. In order to compute model atmospheres in hydrostatic and radiative equilibrium we solve the radiation transfer equation with the Kompaneets operator. We calculate a set of models with effective temperatures in the range 1-5x106K, with two values of surface gravity (logg=13.9 and 14.3) and different chemical compositions. Radiation spectra computed with Compton scattering are softer than those computed without Compton scattering at high energies (E>5keV) for light-element (H or He) model atmospheres. The Compton effect is more significant in H model atmospheres and models with low surface gravity. The emergent spectra of the hottest (Teff>3x106K) model atmospheres can be described by diluted blackbody spectra with hardness factors ∼1.6-1.9. Compton scattering is less important in models with solar abundance of heavy elements.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): radiative transfer - scattering - methods: numerical - stars: neutron - stars: atmospheres - X-rays: stars

Simbad objects: 0

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