SIMBAD references

2007A&A...461..115Z - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 461, 115-119 (2007/1-1)

Estimation of the detectability of optical orphan afterglows.

ZOU Y.C., WU X.F. and DAI Z.G.

Abstract (from CDS):

By neglecting sideways expansion of gamma-ray burst (GRB) jets and assuming their half-opening angle distribution, we estimate the detectability of orphan optical afterglows. This estimation is carried out by calculating the durations of off-axis optical afterglows whose flux density exceeds a certain observational limit. We show that the former assumption leads to more detectable orphans, while the latter suppresses the detectability strongly compared with the model with half-opening angle θj=0.1. We also considered the effects of other parameters, and find that the effects of the ejecta energy Ej and post-jet-break temporal index -α2 are important but that the effects of the electron-energy distribution index p, electron energy equipartition factor εe, and environment density n are insignificant. If Ej and α2 are determined by other methods, one can constrain the half-opening angle distribution of jets by observing orphan afterglows. Adopting a set of ``standard'' parameters, the detectable rate of orphan afterglows is about 1.3x10–2/deg2/yr, if the observed limiting magnitude is 20 in R-band.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): gamma rays: bursts

Simbad objects: 0

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