SIMBAD references

2006BAVSR..55....8H - BAV Rundbrief, 55, 8-14 (2006/March-0)

Vier RR Lyrae - Sterne mit veraenderlichen Perioden: V933 Oph, V960 Oph, V979 Oph, V2334 Oph.


Abstract (from CDS):

Four RR Lyre stars with variable periods from Sonneberger field 67 Ophiuchi. V933 Oph and V960 Oph were discovered by HOFFMEISTER, C. (1). V979 Oph was discovered by HURUHATA, M. (2). V2334 Oph was discovered by ANTIPIN, S. V. (3). This research made use of the SIMBAD data base, operated by the CDS at Strasbourg, France.

Abstract Copyright:

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Simbad objects: 4

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