SIMBAD references

2006ApJ...652..458W - Astrophys. J., 652, 458-471 (2006/November-3)

The role of evolutionary age and metallicity in the formation of classical Be circumstellar disks. I. New candidate Be stars in the LMC, SMC, and Milky Way.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present B, V, R, and Hα photometry of eight clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud, five in the Large Magellanic Cloud, and three Galactic clusters and use two-color diagrams (2-CDs) to identify candidate Be star populations in these clusters. We find evidence that the Be phenomenon is enhanced in low-metallicity environments, based on the observed fractional early-type candidate Be star content of clusters of age 10-25 Myr. Numerous candidate Be stars of spectral types B0-B5 were identified in clusters of age 5-8 Myr, challenging the suggestion of Fabregat & Torrejon that classical Be stars should only be found in clusters at least 10 Myr old. These results suggest that a significant number of B-type stars must emerge onto the zero-age main sequence as rapid rotators. We also detect an enhancement in the fractional content of early-type candidate Be stars in clusters of age 10-25 Myr, suggesting that the Be phenomenon does become more prevalent with evolutionary age. We briefly discuss the mechanisms that might contribute to such an evolutionary effect. A discussion of the limitations of using the 2-CD technique to investigate the role evolutionary age and/or metallicity play in the development of the Be phenomenon is offered, and we provide evidence that other B-type objects of very different nature, such as candidate Herbig Ae/Be stars, may contaminate the claimed detections of Be stars via 2-CDs.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Circumstellar Matter - galaxies: clusters: individual (Bruck 60) - galaxies: clusters: individual (Bruck 107) - galaxies: clusters: individual (HW 43) - galaxies: clusters: individual (LH 72) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 371) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 456) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 458) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 460) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 465) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 1850) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 1858) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 1955) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 2027) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 2186) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 2383) - galaxies: clusters: individual (NGC 2439) - Galaxies: Magellanic Clouds - Stars: Emission-Line, Be - Techniques: Photometric

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/ApJ/652/458): table4.dat>

Nomenclature: Table 4: WBBe Bruck NNN NN, WBBe HW 43 N, WBBe LH 72 NN, WBBe NGC NNNN NNN N=530.

Simbad objects: 564

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