
Query : 2006ApJ...651..190L

2006ApJ...651..190L - Astrophys. J., 651, 190-196 (2006/November-1)

Swift XRT follow-up observations of TeV sources of the HESS inner galaxy survey.


Abstract (from CDS):

In order to provide a firm identification of the newly discovered Galactic TeV sources, a search for counterparts in a broad band from soft X-ray to soft gamma rays is crucial as data in these wave bands allow us to distinguish between different types of suggested models (for example, leptonic vs. hadronic) and, in turn, to disentangle their nature. In this paper we report the results of a set of follow-up observations performed by the Swift X-Ray Telescope (XRT) on seven sources recently discovered by HESS, in the range from a few hundred GeV to about 10 TeV, during the inner Galaxy survey. In all but one case, we detect X-ray sources inside or close by the extended TeV-emitting region. All of these putative X-ray counterparts have an accurate arcsecond location and are consistent with being point sources. The main result of our search is the discovery that three of them are located at the center of the diffuse radio emission of the supernova remnants, which have been spatially associated with these TeV objects. HESS J1640-465, HESS J1834-087, and HESS J1813-178 show this evidence, suggestive of a possible pulsar wind nebula association.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Gamma Rays: Observations - X-rays: individual (HESS J1614-518) - X-rays: individual (HESS J1640-465) - X-rays: individual (HESS J1804-216) - X-Rays: Individual: Alphanumeric: HESS J1813-178 - X-rays: individual (HESS J1834-087) - X-rays: individual (HESS J1837-069)

Nomenclature: Figs2-5, Table 2: [LBM2006] HESS JHHMM+DDd N N=2+5+3+1+3+9.

Simbad objects: 62

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Number of rows : 62
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 PSR J1301-6305 Psr 13 02 47.9992676 -63 10 48.001099           ~ 126 2
2 PMN J1613-5143 Rad 16 13.0 -51 43           ~ 1 0
3 1RXS J161319.8-514329 X 16 13 19.8 -51 43 29           ~ 1 0
4 [LBM2006] HESS J1614-518 2 X 16 13 20.40 -51 43 17.0           ~ 2 0
5 2MASS J16132085-5143173 * 16 13 20.8502039448 -51 43 17.369525604       11.6   ~ 1 0
6 [LBM2006] HESS J1614-518 1 X 16 14 05.80 -51 52 26.0           ~ 2 0
7 2MASS J16140610-5152264 * 16 14 06.1082751504 -51 52 26.457158424       12.5   ~ 5 0
8 PSR J1615-5137 Psr 16 15 12.62 -51 34 53.3           ~ 61 0
9 HESS J1616-509 gam 16 16 -50.9           ~ 1 0
10 AJG 44 Psr 16 17 33.000 -51 02 00.00           ~ 516 3
11 IGR J16320-4751 HXB 16 32 01.76 -47 52 29.0           BN0.5Ia 177 0
12 HESS J1634-472 gam 16 34 51.11927 -47 14 01.9360           ~ 28 0
13 [LBM2006] HESS J1640-465 2 X 16 40 29.20 -46 23 29.0           ~ 2 0
14 3EG J1639-4702 gam 16 40 43.2 -46 31 48           ~ 162 2
15 [LBM2006] HESS J1640-465 1 X 16 40 43.50 -46 31 38.6           ~ 7 0
16 [LBM2006] HESS J1640-465 4 X 16 41 14.50 -46 31 29.2           ~ 1 0
17 [LBM2006] HESS J1640-465 5 X 16 41 16.00 -46 32 29.0           ~ 1 0
18 [LBM2006] HESS J1640-465 3 X 16 41 30.50 -46 30 47.8           ~ 2 0
19 HESS J1702-420 gam 17 02 44.0 -42 00 57           ~ 42 0
20 HESS J1708-410 gam 17 08 24.0 -41 05 24           ~ 19 0
21 HESS J1713-381 gam 17 13 51.20353 -38 13 13.5700           ~ 30 1
22 2CG 359+00 gam 17 45 11 -30 11.9           ~ 101 0
23 PSR B1800-21 Psr 18 03 51.45 -21 37 08.1           ~ 262 1
24 1AGLR J1807-2103 gam 18 03 52.1 -21 10 54           ~ 74 0
25 USNO-B1.0 0682-00609652 * 18 04 00.7060049232 -21 42 52.346684412       13.2   ~ 1 0
26 [LBM2006] HESS J1804-216 2 X 18 04 00.80 -21 42 47.5           ~ 2 0
27 [LBM2006] HESS J1804-216 1 X 18 04 03.20 -21 53 31.5           ~ 2 0
28 UCAC4 341-121577 V* 18 04 03.2261727384 -21 53 36.542621724   15.21 13.74 13.11   ~ 3 0
29 1RXS J180404.6-215325 X 18 04 04.6 -21 53 25           ~ 2 0
30 [LBM2006] HESS J1804-216 3 X 18 04 32.60 -21 40 01.8           ~ 3 0
31 SNR G008.3-00.0 Rad 18 04.6 -21 49           ~ 26 1
32 W 30 SNR 18 05 31.2011719 -21 25 48.001099           ~ 178 1
33 [LBM2006] HESS J1813-178 1 X 18 13 34.90 -17 49 53.2           ~ 1 0
34 NAME AGPS 273.4-17.8 SNR 18 13 35.05 -17 49 58.1           ~ 129 2
35 2MASS J18133505-1749523 NIR 18 13 35.0561417928 -17 49 52.288655592         16.7 ~ 1 0
36 SNR G012.8-00.0 SNR 18 13.6 -17 49           ~ 66 0
37 V* V5512 Sgr LXB 18 14 31.55 -17 09 26.7     12.73     K5III 400 0
38 PSR J1826-1256 Psr 18 26 08.570 -12 56 33.53           ~ 136 1
39 PSR B1823-13 Psr 18 26 13.06 -13 34 48.1           ~ 427 1
40 [LBM2006] HESS J1834-087 2 X 18 34 07.20 -08 51 59.0           ~ 1 0
41 [LBM2006] HESS J1834-087 1 X 18 34 34.70 -08 44 45.9           ~ 1 0
42 2MASS J18343487-0844495 * 18 34 34.9210125888 -08 44 49.765095672       18.3   ~ 1 0
43 SNR G023.3-00.3 SNR 18 34 51.80 -08 44 38.2           ~ 223 0
44 [LBM2006] HESS J1834-087 3 X 18 35 14.50 -08 37 46.2           ~ 1 0
45 [LBM2006] HESS J1837-069 4 X 18 36 48.50 -07 04 44.0           ~ 1 0
46 [LBM2006] HESS J1837-069 5 X 18 37 02.50 -06 49 28.5           ~ 1 0
47 USNO-B1.0 0831-00467890 * 18 37 02.68 -06 49 25.2       18.0   ~ 1 0
48 [LBM2006] HESS J1837-069 6 X 18 37 20.70 -06 52 47.2           ~ 1 0
49 [LBM2006] HESS J1837-069 7 X 18 37 23.00 -06 52 13.4           ~ 1 0
50 2MASS J18372317-0652109 NIR 18 37 23.18 -06 52 11.0           ~ 1 0
51 AX J1837.5-0653 X 18 37.5 -06 53           ~ 3 0
52 USNO-B1.0 0829-00514328 * 18 37 41.3418271416 -07 05 14.520613200   19.1   16.8   ~ 1 0
53 [LBM2006] HESS J1837-069 3 X 18 37 41.40 -07 05 16.4           ~ 1 0
54 [LBM2006] HESS J1837-069 2 X 18 37 49.70 -07 07 33.2           ~ 1 0
55 2MASS J18374999-0707313 * 18 37 50.0104777104 -07 07 31.376436996   17.1   14.2   ~ 1 0
56 [LBM2006] HESS J1837-069 9 X 18 37 51.30 -06 53 48.4           ~ 1 0
57 USNO-B1.0 0831-00468580 * 18 37 58.93 -06 49 24.7   19.1   18.6   ~ 1 0
58 [LBM2006] HESS J1837-069 8 X 18 37 59.40 -06 49 23.8           ~ 1 0
59 [LBM2006] HESS J1837-069 1 X 18 38 03.10 -06 55 38.6           ~ 1 0
60 AX J1838.0-0655 SNR 18 38 03.13 -06 55 33.4           ~ 79 2
61 PSR J1838-0655 Psr 18 38 03.13 -06 55 33.4           ~ 100 1
62 2MASS J18380328-0655388 * 18 38 03.2635984728 -06 55 39.404238060   21.3   17.4   ~ 1 0

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