SIMBAD references

2006A&A...452..597S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 452, 597-601 (2006/6-3)

Electron heating by large-amplitude shear Alfven waves in the upper chromosphere with a force-free magnetic configuration.


Abstract (from CDS):

We investigate how large-amplitude shear Alfven waves (AWs) can heat the upper chromosphere with a magnetic force-free configuration. We used a 2D3V fully relativistic electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulation. We found that the shear AWs with linear polarization and about one period can excite quasi-electrostatic waves driven by the modified two-stream instability, resulting in electron heating within a short time t≃50ωci–1. The results could be applied to the electron heating in the upper chromosphere where small-scale magnetic flux tubes are interacting with each other, making shear magnetic field structures between them.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): acceleration of particles - Sun: chromosphere - waves

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