SIMBAD references

2006A&A...451..767R - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 451, 767-776 (2006/6-1)

Simulations of thermally broadened HI Lyα absorption arising in the warm-hot intergalactic medium.


Abstract (from CDS):

Recent far-ultraviolet (FUV) absorption line measurements of low-redshift quasars have unveiled a population of intervening broad HI Lyα absorbers (BLAs) with large Doppler parameters (b≥40km/s). If the large width of these lines is dominated by thermal line broadening, the BLAs may trace highly-ionized gas in the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) in the temperature range T≃105-106K, a gas phase that is expected to contain a large fraction of the baryons at low redshift. In this paper we use a hydrodynamical simulation to study frequency, distribution, physical conditions, and baryon content of the BLAs at z≃0. From our simulated spectra we derive a number of BLAs per unit redshift of (dN/dz)BLA≃38 for HI absorbers with log (N(cm–2)/b(km/s))≥10.7, b≥40km/s, and total hydrogen column densities N(HII)≤1020.5/cm2. The baryon content of these systems is Ωb(BLA)=0.0121h65–1, which represents ∼25 percent of the total baryon budget in our simulation. Our results thus support the idea that BLAs represent a significant baryon reservoir at low redshift. BLAs predominantly trace shock-heated collisionally ionized WHIM gas at temperatures log T≃4.4-6.2. About 27 percent of the BLAs in our simulation originate in the photoionized Lyα forest (logT<4.3) and their large line widths are determined by non-thermal broadening effects such as unresolved velocity structure and macroscopic turbulence. Our simulation implies that for a large-enough sample of BLAs in FUV spectra it is possible to obtain a reasonable approximation of the baryon content of these systems solely from the measured HI column densities and b values.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): methods: numerical - cosmology: miscellaneous - large-scale structure of Universe

Simbad objects: 0

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