SIMBAD references

2005ApJ...631..376M - Astrophys. J., 631, 376-380 (2005/September-3)

Limits on turbulent H I fluctuations toward PSR B0329+54 on scales between 0.0025 and 12.5 AU.


Abstract (from CDS):

We have measured the H I absorption toward pulsar B0329+54 using the Green Bank Telescope during 18 epochs between 2002 June 30 and 2003 October 10. Three observing epochs consisted of a continuous period of 20 hr each, while 15 epochs were 1-2 hr each. We calculate the structure function of H I absorption variations toward the pulsar on timescales of 10 minutes to 16 months, which using the proper motion of 95 km/s and the parallactic distance of 1.03 kpc measured toward B0329+54 (Brisken et al.), corresponds to angular scales of 0.37 µas to 23.8 mas and samples structures between 0.0025 and 12.5 AU, assuming H I gas halfway to the pulsar and ignoring scintillation effects. We find no evidence for any turbulent H I absorption fluctuations toward B0329+54, with the following upper limits on Δτ for various absorption features: 0.026 at -31, -21, -18, and +4 km/s; 0.12 at -11 km/s; and 0.055 at -1 km/s.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: Clouds - ISM: Structure - Stars: Pulsars: Individual: Alphanumeric: B0329+54 - Radio Lines: ISM - Turbulence

Simbad objects: 1

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