
Query : 2005ARep...49..374A

2005ARep...49..374A - Astron. Rep., 49, 374-389 (2005)

Spectral studies with the Special Astrophysical Observatory 6 m and RATAN-600 telescopes.


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VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/other/ARep/49.374): table1.dat table2.dat table3.dat>

CDS comments: Translated from 2005AZh...82..420A

Simbad objects: 18

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Number of rows : 18
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 ICRF J014331.0+121542 QSO 01 43 31.0925583816 +12 15 42.936778116   20.5 20.5     ~ 23 1
2 QSO B0239+108 QSO 02 42 29.17085078 +11 01 00.7279391   20.0   19.66   ~ 130 1
3 4C 10.10 BLL 03 15 21.13981265 +10 12 43.0838933   19       ~ 35 2
4 ICRF J044412.4+104247 QSO 04 44 12.46613542 +10 42 47.2633395   19.5       ~ 24 1
5 [VV2006] J044850.4+112754 QSO 04 48 50.41207729 +11 27 54.3711785     20.42 19.2   ~ 33 1
6 QSO B0446+113 BLL 04 49 07.67110194 +11 21 28.5963618     20.00 18.58   ~ 284 1
7 ICRF J050927.4+101144 QSO 05 09 27.45706676 +10 11 44.6001432   19.5       ~ 92 1
8 4C 10.16 BLL 05 16 46.6460947296 +10 57 54.787080780     18.0     ~ 28 2
9 ICRF J074927.3+105733 BLL 07 49 27.3854010648 +10 57 33.126432408           ~ 41 1
10 ICRF J075807.6+113646 Sy1 07 58 07.6580852808 +11 36 46.046443788   18.13 18.08     ~ 32 1
11 NVSS J091419+100638 rG 09 14 19.5316215816 +10 06 40.577070456   21.0 19.9     ~ 12 1
12 ICRF J134733.3+121724 Sy2 13 47 33.36161873 +12 17 24.2398927   19.28 18.44 15.718   ~ 604 3
13 ICRF J145344.2+102557 QSO 14 53 44.24114048 +10 25 57.5627707   20.81 20.17     ~ 37 1
14 SDSS J152212.18+104130.4 BiC 15 22 12.182 +10 41 30.49           ~ 10 1
15 87GB 162516.2+122212 QSO 16 27 37.0305595440 +12 16 07.126865724   19.89 19.48     ~ 10 1
16 ICRF J172244.5+101335 QSO 17 22 44.58278208 +10 13 35.7736314       19.4   ~ 72 1
17 ICRF J172807.0+121539 QSO 17 28 07.05121409 +12 15 39.4855448     20.0 19.47   ~ 86 1
18 4C 10.71 G 23 15 34.2 +10 27 19     17.6     ~ 12 1

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