SIMBAD references

2005A&A...436.1041M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 436, 1041-1047 (2005/6-4)

The first observed stellar X-ray flare oscillation: Constraints on the flare loop length and the magnetic field.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present the first X-ray observation of an oscillation during a stellar flare. The flare occurred on the active M-type dwarf AT Mic and was observed with XMM-Newton. The soft X-ray light curve (0.2-12keV) is investigated with wavelet analysis. The flare's extended, flat peak shows clear evidence for a damped oscillation with a period of around 750s, an exponential damping time of around 2000s, and an initial, relative peak-to-peak amplitude of around 15%. We suggest that the oscillation is a standing magneto-acoustic wave tied to the flare loop, and find that the most likely interpretation is a longitudinal, slow-mode wave, with a resulting loop length of (2.5±0.2)x1010cm. The local magnetic field strength is found to be 105±50G. These values are consistent with (oscillation-independent) flare cooling time models and pressure balance scaling laws. Such a flare oscillation provides an excellent opportunity to obtain coronal properties like the size of a flare loop or the local magnetic field strength for the otherwise spatially-unresolved star.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: coronae - stars: flare - stars: magnetic fields - stars: oscillations - X-rays: stars - stars: individual: AT Mic

Simbad objects: 5

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