SIMBAD references

2005A&A...431..615A - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 431, 615-622 (2005/2-4)

HD 121190: A cool multiperiodic slowly pulsating B star with moderate rotation.


Abstract (from CDS):

We have gathered and analysed multicolour Geneva photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of the stars HD 121190 (B9V) and HD 106419 (B9III) whose short-term periodic variability had become evident from their HIPPARCOS data. We find three significant frequencies for HD 121190 in the Geneva data: 2.6831, 2.6199 and 2.4713c/d and classify the star as a slowly pulsating B star, the coolest single star of that class known to date. Its amplitude ratios are compatible with low-degree gravity modes. The spectra reveal low-amplitude variability and vsin i=118km/s which implies that the star rotates at 26% of its critical velocity. For HD 106419 we are unable to confirm the period found from the HIPPARCOS photometry in our ground-based data; rather we find a marginally significant frequency of 0.8986c/d. This star is probably an evolved slowly pulsating B star with complex variations. HD 106409 is also a moderate rotator as the spectra reveal vsin i=78km/s, which is also 26% of its critical velocity.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: oscillations - stars: variables: general - stars: individual: HD 121190 - stars: individual: HD 106419 - stars: early-type - line: profiles

Simbad objects: 2

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