SIMBAD references

2004ApJ...614..869D - Astrophys. J., 614, 869-880 (2004/October-3)

Rotational sweepback of magnetic field lines in geometric models of pulsar radio emission.


Abstract (from CDS):

We study the rotational distortions of the vacuum dipole magnetic field in the context of geometric models of the radio emission from pulsars. We find that at low altitudes the rotation deflects the local direction of the magnetic field by at most an angle of the order of r2n, where rn=r/Rlc, r is the radial distance, and Rlcis the light cylinder radius. To the lowest (i.e., second) order in rn, this distortion is symmetric with respect to the plane containing the dipole axis and the rotation axis [{b.Omega},{} plane]. The lowest order distortion that is asymmetric with respect to the ({b.Omega},{}) plane is third-order in rn. These results confirm the common assumption that the rotational sweepback has negligible effect on the position angle (P.A.) curve. We show, however, that the influence of the sweepback on the outer boundary of the open field line region (open volume) is a much larger effect, of the order of r1/2n. The open volume is shifted backward with respect to the rotation direction by an angle δov∼0.2sinαr1/2n, where α is the dipole inclination with respect to the rotation axis. The associated phase shift of the pulse profile Δφov∼0.2r1/2n can easily exceed the shift caused by combined effects of aberration and propagation time delays (~2rn). This strongly affects the misalignment of the center of the P.A. curve and the center of the pulse profile, thereby modifying the delay-radius relation. Contrary to intuition, the effect of sweepback dominates over other effects when emission occurs at low altitudes. For rn≲3x10–3 the shift becomes negative; i.e., the center of the P.A. curve precedes the profile center. With the sweepback effect included, the modified delay-radius relation predicts larger emission radii and is in much better agreement with the other methods of determining rn.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Polarization - Stars: Pulsars: General - Radiation Mechanisms: Nonthermal

Simbad objects: 2

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