SIMBAD references

2004A&A...423.1095L - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 423, 1095-1099 (2004/9-1)

Extending the radio spectrum of magnetic chemically peculiar stars to the mm range.


Abstract (from CDS):

Magnetic chemically peculiar (MCP) stars can present radio emission at centimetre wavelengths. The steep decrement of the dominant dipolar component of the photospheric magnetic field results in each radio frequency being mainly emitted in a well localised shell of the circumstellar region. To explore the most internal regions of the magnetosphere, observations of a sample of eleven MCP stars known to be radio sources in the 1.4-22.5GHz range were carried out at 87.7 GHz with the IRAM interferometer. Millimeter emission, with a flux density at about 4xthe sensitivity limit of our observations, was detected towards two of the stars: HD 35298 and HD 124224. Combining our mm-observations with previous cm-observations, it appears that MCP stars with a relatively weak magnetic field present a radio spectrum that increases with frequency up to 22.5GHz and then decreases towards the mm range. In presence of strong fields, the radio spectrum is always decreasing with frequency. A comparison of the observed cm-mm spectrum of HD 124224 with results of numerical simulations of the gyrosynchrotron emission suggests that circumstellar regions emitting in the mm-range cannot present magnetic fields larger than 1-2kG.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: chemically peculiar - stars: individual: HD 35298, HD 124224 - stars: circumstellar matter - stars: magnetic field - radio continuum: stars

Simbad objects: 13

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