SIMBAD references

2004A&A...419..991V - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 419, 991-998 (2004/6-1)

Time-dependent ejection velocity model for the outflow of Hen 3-1475.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present 2D axisymmetric and 3D numerical simulations of the proto-planetary nebula Hen 3-1475, which is characterized by a remarkably highly collimated optical jet, formed by a string of shock-excited knots along the axis of the nebula. It has recently been suggested that the kinematical and morphological properties of the Hen 3-1475 jet could be the result of an ejection variability of the central source (Riera et al., 2003A&A...401.1039R). The observations suggest a periodic variability of the ejection velocity superimposed on a smoothly increasing ejection velocity ramp. From our numerical simulations, we have obtained intensity maps (for different optical emission lines) and position-velocity diagrams, in order to make a direct comparison with the HST observations of this object. Our numerical study allows us to conclude that a model of a precessing jet with a time-dependent ejection velocity, which is propagating into an ISM previously perturbed by an AGB wind, can succesfully explain both the morphological and the kinematical characteristics of this proto-planetary nebula.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: jets and outflows - planetary nebulae: individual: Hen 3-1475 - methods: numerical - hydrodynamics

Simbad objects: 2

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