SIMBAD references

2003AJ....125.1448S - Astron. J., 125, 1448-1457 (2003/March-0)

Absolute properties of the eclipsing binary star RT Coronae Borealis.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present an analysis of existing photometric observations in U, B, and V, and a new light curve in V, as well as spectroscopic observations, of the 5.1 day period, double-lined main-sequence eclipsing binary RT CrB. From the analysis of the light curves and radial velocity curves, we have determined the masses and radii of the components: 1.343±0.010 Mand 2.615±0.04 Rfor the primary (hotter) component, 1.359±0.009 Mand 2.946±0.05 Rfor the secondary (cooler) component. The formal uncertainties in the masses are both less than 1%, and the formal uncertainties in the radii are both less than 2%. Based on the analyzed light curves, as well as the combined absolute photometry of the system, we estimate effective temperatures of 5781±100 K for the primary component and 5134±100 K for the secondary component, corresponding to spectral types of G5 and K0, respectively. Projected rotational velocities (vsini) from the spectrograms are measured as 25±2 km/s for the primary component and 33±3 km/s for the secondary component and are consistent with rotation that is synchronous with the orbital motion. Evolutionary tracks from the current models are in good agreement with the observations for a system of about age 3.5x109 yr with a slightly nonsolar chemical composition. We also report an approximate ΔP/P=3.0x10–6 decrease in the orbital period over 37 years.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Binaries: Eclipsing - Stars: Binaries: Spectroscopic - Stars: Evolution - Stars: Fundamental Parameters - stars: individual (RT Coronae Borealis)

Simbad objects: 3

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