
Query : 2003A&A...407..325T

2003A&A...407..325T - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 407, 325-334 (2003/8-3)

The nature of the Cepheid T Antliae.


Abstract (from CDS):

The variable star T Antliae, sometimes suspected to be a type II pulsator, is demonstrated to be a classical Cepheid in the third crossing of the instability strip. It exhibits a positive period change of +0.514±0.016s/yr, consistent with a star on the blue side of the instability strip and evolving through it for the third time. The Cepheid exhibits no random fluctuations in pulsation period, although superimposed upon its evolutionary O-C trend are very subtle variations that may be indicative of orbital motion about an unseen companion. Archival spectroscopic data also indicate that the star sits on the edge of a putative cluster of B-type stars that may be physically associated with the Cepheid. Additional photometric and spectroscopic data for the Cepheid and cluster are needed to strengthen the case. The field reddening of T Ant established from nearby early-type stars is EB–V=0.30 ±0.01 (EB–V(B0)=0.316 ±0.014).

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: distances - stars: variables: Cepheids - Galaxy: open clusters and associations: individual: T Ant

Nomenclature: Table 2: [TB2003] NN (Nos 1-52).

CDS comments: Table 2 : HD 817161 is a misprint for HD 81716.

Simbad objects: 58

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Number of rows : 58
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 81633 * 09 25 47.2151488800 -37 35 53.528593776   9.19 9.14     A0V 5 0
2 TYC 7165-1753-1 * 09 25 50.8508819568 -36 37 02.931342348   11.05 10.81     B 4 0
3 TYC 7691-4374-1 * 09 26 01.7365494672 -37 37 20.170690680   10.48 10.21     B 4 0
4 HD 81716 * 09 26 18.5034420864 -36 12 31.383626256   10.16 10.10     A0V 8 0
5 TYC 7691-4322-1 * 09 26 32.2442357160 -37 37 57.097359012   10.34 10.19     B 3 0
6 HD 81778 * 09 26 39.0304667352 -36 50 27.399454620   9.55 9.59     B9.5V 5 0
7 TYC 7165-1294-1 * 09 26 46.8317679120 -36 36 13.471753068   10.97 10.74     B 4 0
8 HD 81800 * 09 26 50.6740177704 -36 00 14.678841960   8.60 8.56     A0V 9 0
9 TYC 7166-287-1 * 09 27 09.2208964248 -37 05 06.124650432   11.29 11.09     B 6 0
10 HD 81876 * 09 27 14.4480 -37 18 59.346   10.05 9.79     A7V+(F) 5 0
11 HD 81889 * 09 27 22.9158284904 -36 52 48.540359784   8.08 7.79     A1mF0-F2 15 0
12 TYC 7166-352-1 * 09 27 42.1070660496 -37 27 06.317065836   11.31 11.15     B 4 0
13 TYC 7166-1331-1 * 09 28 20.2186839840 -36 55 29.284892904   11.78 11.65     B 4 0
14 HD 82097 * 09 28 46.7915668872 -36 56 03.144571476   9.10 8.77     A1mA7-F2 14 0
15 GSC 07166-00765 SB* 09 29 13.0193670240 -36 27 06.150726540   11.183 10.686 10.666   B 5 0
16 TYC 7166-2036-1 * 09 29 21.2844569880 -36 17 05.467623684   11.33 11.14     B 4 0
17 TYC 7166-1815-1 * 09 29 32.0547433512 -36 27 09.343645704   11.59 11.55     B 4 0
18 TYC 7691-4314-1 * 09 29 52.2214027176 -37 37 01.087596624   10.78 10.50     B 4 0
19 HD 82316 * 09 30 13.5520211712 -36 55 03.961865568   10.26 10.12     A2 6 0
20 CPD-36 3679 SB* 09 30 13.9110290304 -36 34 48.350630676   10.97 10.04     ~ 6 0
21 HD 82317 * 09 30 14.9526001248 -37 05 17.271823992   8.18 8.07     A1/2V 6 0
22 HD 82344 * 09 30 16.9907913768 -36 34 47.171210016   8.97 8.94     A0V 11 0
23 HD 82343 * 09 30 19.0821050544 -36 30 10.485890244   10.07 9.98     A2/3 6 0
24 CD-36 5734 SB* 09 30 59.7751895856 -36 49 11.321577552   10.30 9.96     ~ 5 0
25 TYC 7166-1121-1 * 09 31 09.8154314184 -36 44 43.299462480   10.92 10.71     B 5 0
26 TYC 7166-1009-1 * 09 31 13.4007061296 -36 26 29.706630108   11.28 10.94     B 5 0
27 TYC 7166-1066-1 * 09 31 41.8061003184 -35 56 44.520687852   10.86 10.60     B 7 0
28 TYC 7166-1195-1 * 09 31 48.3426117000 -36 36 46.356584292   10.90 10.77     B 3 0
29 HD 82562 * 09 31 49.1054641152 -36 32 15.460647180   9.29 9.23     ApEuCr(Sr) 12 0
30 HD 82596 * 09 31 59.5957804128 -37 02 37.375126044   9.96 9.85     A2 5 0
31 TYC 7166-1129-1 * 09 32 03.3357812976 -36 38 11.991009588   10.81 10.47     B 3 0
32 TYC 7692-3074-1 * 09 32 28.4819782176 -37 41 01.761596052   10.70 10.45     B 3 0
33 TYC 7166-294-1 * 09 32 59.5649548224 -37 27 58.646193228   11.33 11.01     B 3 0
34 TYC 7166-1436-1 * 09 33 03.9922777488 -36 09 56.284070688   11.63 11.40     B 3 0
35 CD-37 5865 * 09 33 07.0767239856 -37 34 08.100445908   10.53 10.44     A0 3 0
36 TYC 7166-2976-1 * 09 33 09.0190680408 -37 15 56.235705480   10.87 10.54     B 4 0
37 TYC 7166-2515-1 * 09 33 13.5953152920 -36 37 06.026707164   11.86 11.42     B 3 0
38 HD 82784 * 09 33 13.8215703144 -36 59 36.450912804   10.08 9.85     A0 5 0
39 TYC 7166-737-1 * 09 33 44.9728567920 -37 21 18.486747936   11.53 11.19     B 3 0
40 HD 82872 * 09 33 46.0801220184 -36 55 52.290006240   10.52 8.89     K4/5III 11 0
41 V* T Ant cC* 09 33 50.8595432664 -36 36 56.745725940   9.93 9.26     G5 91 0
42 HD 82897 * 09 33 51.1552394496 -37 50 37.504588236   9.97 9.78     A2/3V 6 0
43 CD-36 5777 LP? 09 33 56.9505529392 -37 04 43.640314860   10.61 9.16     K5 4 0
44 HD 83011 * 09 34 28.2353538024 -37 25 19.241786820   8.36 8.33     B9.5V 15 0
45 TYC 7166-178-1 * 09 34 57.6323342328 -37 03 46.725759900   12.12 11.51     B 3 0
46 TYC 7692-560-1 * 09 35 06.1013008176 -37 48 10.801181664   11.31 10.95     B 3 0
47 TYC 7692-139-1 SB* 09 35 09.5930042400 -37 30 16.607876796   11.58 11.25     ~ 4 0
48 TYC 7692-828-1 * 09 35 55.2554157072 -37 51 34.404637932   11.39 11.28     B 3 0
49 CD-36 5805 SB* 09 35 59.4713562408 -37 07 08.874458940   10.65 10.44     A0 4 0
50 TYC 7166-2467-1 * 09 35 59.7440621904 -36 40 50.748575484   11.71 11.52     B 3 0
51 TYC 7692-2914-1 * 09 36 07.5564136440 -37 51 16.312150728   11.41 11.15     B 3 0
52 TYC 7179-2403-1 * 09 36 34.1311700760 -36 44 18.871891944   11.45 11.12     ~ 2 0
53 NAME T Antlia Cluster Cl* 09 41 -36.6           ~ 1 0
54 NGC 6649 OpC 18 33 26.2 -10 23 56   10.35 8.9     ~ 139 0
55 V* V367 Sct cC* 18 33 35.2353033192 -10 25 38.126250552   13.34 11.580     F7Ib 178 0
56 V* SV Vul cC* 19 51 30.9059845128 +27 27 36.837672012 8.65 9.00 6.74   5.703 F8Ia 441 0
57 Cl Roslund 3 OpC 19 58 46.8 +20 30 32           ~ 52 0
58 * del Cep cC* 22 29 10.2626640314 +58 24 54.697613650 4.71 4.35 3.75   3.219 F5Iab:+B7-8 734 0

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