SIMBAD references

2002MNRAS.336..373I - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 336, 373-381 (2002/October-3)

On the formation rate of close binaries consisting of a super-massive black hole and a white dwarf.


Abstract (from CDS):

The formation rate of a close binary consisting of a super-massive black hole and a compact object (presumably a white dwarf) in galactic cusps is calculated with the help of the so-called loss cone approximation. For a power-law cusp of radius ra, the black hole mass M ∼ 10 6 M , and the fraction of the compact objects δ∼ 0.1, this rate {formmu3}. The function K ( p) depends on parameter p determining the cusp profile, and for the standard cusp profiles with p = 1/4, K ( p) ∼ 2. We estimate the probability Pr of finding of a compact object orbiting around a black hole with the period P in one particular galaxy to be Pr ∼ 10 –7 [( P/10 3 s)/( M/10 6 M)] 8/3 [( M/10 6 M)/( ra/1 pc)] 3/2. The object with the period P ∼ 10 3 s emits gravitational waves with amplitude sufficient to be detected by the LISA-type gravitational wave antenna from the distance ∼103 Mpc. Based on estimates of masses of super-massive black holes in nearby galaxies, we speculate that LISA would detect several such events during its mission.

Abstract Copyright: RAS

Journal keyword(s): black hole physics - galaxies: nuclei.

Simbad objects: 1

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