SIMBAD references

2002AJ....124.3379P - Astron. J., 124, 3379-3386 (2002/December-0)

Young stellar objects in Gy 2-18 (IRAS 05439+3035).


Abstract (from CDS):

We present the results of optical and near-IR spectra and mid-infrared images of the star forming region Gy 2-18, which is associated with IRAS 05439+3035. Within this region, there is a star with strong Hα emission that is illuminating an optical reflection nebula. Optical and near-IR spectra indicate that this star, named IRS 11, is a possible Herbig Be star of spectral type BO-B2, with a strong stellar wind and an infrared excess probably originating in a circumstellar dust disk. The mid-infrared images at 8.7, 9.7, and 12.5 µm show the presence of a second very red source, IRS 9, deeply embedded in the cloud and with a remarkably strong silicate feature in absorption. The estimated bolometric luminosity of 8.6x103 L☉ and the infrared spectral index αIR=1.9 suggest that IRS 9 is a massive protostellar object. These two sources form the core of the young stellar cluster associated with Gy 2-18. The infrared luminosity and spectral index of another member, IRS 13, are estimated to be ≤165 L☉ and ≤0.44.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Emission-Line, Be - Stars: Formation - Stars: Pre-Main-Sequence

CDS comments: Sources IRS are [TPB97] Gy 2-18 (ex. [TPB97] Gy 2-18 11).

Simbad objects: 5

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