SIMBAD references

2001BaltA..10..375F - Baltic Astronomy, 10, 375-384 (2001/June-0)

Seven-color photoelectric photometry of the Omicron Velorum cluster.


Abstract (from CDS):

Photoelectric observations in the Vilnius seven-color photometric system of 36 stars in the magnitude range 3.6 < V < 10.7 in the open cluster around the star o Velorum are presented. Photometric spectral and luminosity classes are determined for each star from which the mean distance modulus of the cluster is found to be 5.94±0.02 mag and the mean color excess EY–V = 0.00±0.02 mag. The membership of the cluster stars is discussed.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: fundamental parameters - clusters: individual: Omicron Velorum cluster

CDS comments: This paper should have been published in 1998.

Simbad objects: 37

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