SIMBAD references

2001A&A...376L...1T - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 376, L1-4 (2001/9-2)

Water in K and M giant stars unveiled by ISO.


Abstract (from CDS):

Based on the spectra obtained with Infrared Space Observatory, ISO, we detected the 6.3µm bands of water in the late K giant Aldebaran (α Tau) and several early M giant stars (between M0 and M3.5), which have been deemed to be too warm for tri-atomic H2O molecule to reside in their photospheres. The water column densities range (0.2-2)x1018molecules/cm2 in our sample of K and M giant stars and the excitation temperatures are 1500K or higher. Thus, the water bands are not originating in cool stellar winds either. The presence of water in the K and early M giant stars was quite unexpected from the traditional picture of the atmosphere of the red giant star consisting of the photosphere, hot chromosphere, and cool wind. We confirm that a rather warm molecule forming region should exist as a new component of the atmosphere of red giant stars and that this should be a general phenomenon in late-type stars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): infrared: stars - molecular processes - stars: atmospheres - stars: chromospheres - stars: individual: A|"CDS/simbad/ "@622399" "Name=@622399" submit=submit null|α Tau">{α Tau}, A|"CDS/simbad/ "@1500441" "Name=@1500441" submit=submit null|β And">{β And}, A|"CDS/simbad/ "@719377" "Name=@719377" submit=submit null|α Cet">{α Cet}, A|"CDS/simbad/ "@1546016" "Name=@1546016" submit=submit null|β Peg">{β Peg}, γ Cru - stars: late-type

Simbad objects: 15

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