SIMBAD references

2001A&A...374...66N - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 374, 66-72 (2001/7-4)

Discovery of an absorbed cluster of galaxies (XMMU J183225.4-103645) close to the Galactic plane with XMM-Newton.


Abstract (from CDS):

During an XMM-Newton observation of the galactic supernova remnant G21.5-09 a bright, previously uncatalogued, source (XMMU J183225.4-103645) was detected 18' from G21.5-09. The European Photon Imaging Camera data inside 1' (180h50–1kpc) radius are consistent with a source at a redshift of 0.1242±0.00030.0022 with an optically thin thermal spectrum of temperature 5.8±0.6keV and a metal abundance of 0.60±0.10 solar. This model gives a 2-10keV luminosity of 3.5+0.8–0.4h50–2x1044erg/s. These characteristics, as well as the source extent of 2.0' (350h50–1.kpc), and the surface brightness profile are consistent with emission from the central region of a moderately rich cluster containing a cooling flow with mass flow rate of ∼400-600M/yr. The absorption is (7.9±0.5)x1022atom/cm2, 5 times that inferred from low-resolution HI data but consistent with higher spatial resolution infrared dust extinction estimates. XMMU J183225.4-103645 is not visible in earlier ROSAT observations due to high amount of absorption. This discovery demonstrates the capability of XMM-Newton to map the cluster distribution close to the Galactic plane, where few such systems are known. The ability of XMM-Newton to determine cluster redshifts to 1% precision at z=0.1 is especially important in optically crowded and absorbed fields such as close to the Galactic plane, where the optical redshift measurements of galaxies are difficult.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: clusters: individual: XMMU J183225.4-103645 - galaxies: intergalactic medium - X-rays: galaxies: clusters

Simbad objects: 3

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