SIMBAD references

2001A&A...371..718C - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 371, 718-730 (2001/5-4)

Dynamical variations of the differential rotation in the solar convection zone.


Abstract (from CDS):

Recent analyses of helioseismological observations seem to suggest the presence of two new phenomena connected with the dynamics of the solar convective zone. Firstly, there are present torsional oscillations with periods of about 11 years, which penetrate significantly into the solar convection zone and secondly, oscillatory regimes exist near the base of the convection which are markedly different from those observed near the top, having either significantly reduced periods or being non-periodic. Recently spatiotemporal fragmentation/bifurcation has been proposed as a possible dynamical mechanism to account for such observed multi-mode behaviours in different parts of the solar convection zone. Evidence for this scenario was produced in the context of an axisymmetric mean field dynamo model operating in a spherical shell, with a semi-open outer boundary condition and a zero order angular velocity obtained by the inversion of the MDI data, in which the only nonlinearity was the action of the Lorentz force of the dynamo generated magnetic field on the solar angular velocity. Here we make a detailed study of the robustness of this model with respect to plausible changes to its main ingredients, including changes to the α and η profiles as well as the inclusion of a nonlinear α quenching. We find that spatiotemporal fragmentation is present in this model for different choices of the rotation data and as the details of the model are varied. Taken together, these results give strong support to the idea that spatiotemporal fragmentation is likely to occur in general dynamo settings.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Sun: magnetic fields - Sun: oscillations - Sun: activity

Simbad objects: 0

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